Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Holy Mary....we have a bun in the oven

The. RE. Finally. Called.

Beta: 60

We are pregnant.

I was hesitant about that number but the nurse said anything over 50 is good. She has seen "38" turn out to be twins and said our number is a good singleton or twin number.

My next lab is Friday morning and they want to see it go over 100. Those people had better call me before 3:30 CST Friday! Afternoons as of late are NOT my best time and another wait like today's might just put me over the edge.


* Upset stomach after eating or just in general at times. (CD 23)
* Minor shooting pains around uterus. (CD 27)
* Shooting pains in breasts, off and on. (CD 28)
* Much larger breasts (CD 23), average tenderness. Due to BCP's mine have always been tender.
* Very tired. I can't walk across the room sometimes. Napping daily.
* Short of breath.
* Off and on headaches. I get headaches A LOT but these are different. (CD 23)
* ZERO implantation spotting. I am not a "spot" kinda gal, never, ever spot between cycles.
* Kinda "crampy". Not hard core menstrual cramps. Just "crampy" feeling.

* Extreme thirst (CD 27)

The "thirst" thing is what sold me that this might be "it". I met my friend "in the know" Monday morning for breakfast at Pan*era. Within one hour of eating, I was SICK from the food. No vomiting, just soury icky stomach with a "vomity" kind of gag feeling at the back of my throat. Along with this was EXTREME thirst and it has not gone away. And I don't want anything but water. Son*ic Che*rry Lime*ade and decaf sweet tea are my favorite drinks and they do not sound good at all. Water is all that I crave.

My new mantra...please don't be chemical....please don't chemical.....please don't be chemical....


I love being a Mom said...

Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee, Whopppee,

Fantastic news. Enjoy the next 8 months before your bundle of joy arrives.

P.S You need to change your Optican!

Malky B. said...

congrats! now comes the 36ww! may it go by quickly and with everyone in good health.

Knock Me Up said...

I will be chanting with you. Good luck on Friday!

Sara said...

Yay! What fantastic news! Best wishes for a happy healthy (non-chemical) pregnancy!


Sarah said...

YAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! so exciting! so happy for you! i know what you mean about the thirst and only wanting water, i am STILL that way at 22 weeks.

so happy for you!!!!!!!!!

when will you want to tell the kids?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What fabulous news!