Sunday, August 05, 2007

Bring on the calories...IVF just might kill me!

One of the affects of IVF that no one ever told me about was the fact that the pounds just fly off! When I started this little venture, I was at 129-130 pounds on any given day. It took YEARS to put on that weight. Go ahead and throw your cyber rotten eggs but let me say that being thin and wanting to GAIN weight is just as hard as trying to lose weight. I just look at food and can burn calories. Here I am at the end of our first full IVF cycle and I am down to 124. People, this is tragic! I have so enjoyed my new curves...yes, my thighs are "for Ivan's eyes only" these days but I like them nonetheless. The emotional ups and downs of this whole thing have made my appetite "off" and when I do eat, it's not the usual quantities (gals, I can out-eat a professional foot*ball play*er when I am not under IVF stress).

Wanting my precious pounds back, I have been eating everything in sight today. I just downed a glass of Car*nation In*stant Break*fast...full of calories! Tomorrow I will probably invest in some En*sure drinks to add extra calories each day. Of course, I need to attend Jaz*zercise (for my heart and to relieve stress) but don't dare do all of the aerobic activity burning the few calories I am taking in each day.

Has anyone else had this happen? My gosh, if we did several cycles I would waste away to nothing! Not only will our love of actually having money in savings prevent mutiple cycles, it will also save my hard-earned curves! Most teenagers these days have the curves I didn't see until age 36 and even now most women wouldn't agree that I have curves at all!

Bring on the chocolate shakes!


Samantha said...

For some IVF cycles I lost weight, but recently I've ended up putting on more than I would like. I confess I am a little envious!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I am also cycling this month and wanted to wish you the best of luck. This is my first time- if losing weight is one positive side affect to all of this, bring it on!

LiL Moo & Mee said...

OMG I could only wish, I gained with all 4 fresh cycles ...argggg.
Hope you don't mind me hanging around.

Stephanie said...

I never had weight loss or much of a weight gain like some folks. I have basically stayed the same give or take a pound or two.

Sarah said...

cycling caused me to gain a lot of weight. i guess it's the different ways we deal with stress. i had an attitude along thelines of: if i'm going to go through this torture i WILL have dessert, dammit! i'm glad you get your dessert too :)

Rachel said...

I'd like to hurl rotten eggs at you. I've gained over 20 lbs over the last almost-two years of being pregnant on and off and IVF and stress and depression. I'm trying and trying to lose some of it, but my pants just seem to get tighter.

Sara said...

I gained about 5 pounds with each IUI or IVF cycle. I guess you just can't win. Luckily, the weight came off in between cycles. Hopefully you'll get your lost curves back soon.

Anonymous said...

I have the same weight issues (and guilt about complaining about them!). And I apparently have lost weight this IVF cycle. I went to buy a skirt yesterday (with the thought that buying an expensive skirt in this midst of IVF treatment would almost certainly mean I'd get pg and not be able to wear it more than once this year!), and my normal size was too big. It felt wrong, to be quite honest, so I passed.

I hope your appetite (and mine) returns soon! Curves would be nice...

Gabby said...

Wow, it's good to hear someone else with the same weight issues. I was slightly underweight for my first IVF so I struggled to gain weight for IVF#2. It was so hard. I was having to eat all day long. Then 2 surgeries later, I lost the 10 pounds I struggled to put on. When I'm stressed, I don't eat so IVF always causes me to lose weight.