Thursday, February 22, 2007

Liver anyone?

Eleven years ago (or was it twelve?), during the first song of our fertility dance, Ivan's semen analysis returned results that were stellar which prompted my Gyn, Dr.Smile, to ask if I feed him liver every night. Nice. never know what two kids and a crazy wife can do to those little at my recent RE visit, Dr.ColdSpeculum went ahead and acquired a fresh speciman from Ivan to see where we stand.

We are standing at attention, thank you very much, and our troops are ready, willing and more than able to fight! ;)

It seems that if Ivan had not married ME, he could have bio children filling several elementary schools in at least three counties. I suppose this is assuming an issue with promiscuity but you get the picture.

My man has quantity, motility, lovely shape and a 24 hour survival rate that leaves you saying wow. Really, WOW! :)

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