Geez, I gripe about the length of needles and then I sign myself up for more!
Today I spoke with an acupunc*turist in the same city as (and recommended by) my RE (Dr. ColdSpeculum). Her Chinese accent made it wonderfully hard to understand her English...I was comforted by her voice...she feels like a red thr.ead to child #3.
"It is a widely shared Chinese Legend that the red thr*ead 'connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break.'”
Dr.Xiaolei told me that I should NOT consider driving there the morning of my transfer (3.5 hours one way) as it will add too much stress to my body and I will not be in optimum shape for the transfer. Heeding her advice, we have decided that we will absolutely drive the night before and get a hotel room. The morning of the transfer I will have an acupunc*ture session with Dr.Xiaolei and then return to her immediately following the transfer. Also of interest, I found a local acupunc*turist who has her bachelor's in pre-med and also her master's in Chinese Medicine. My first session is Friday March 10.
Does anyone have input on their acupunc*ture experiences?
Thanks for the comment on my blog. I have never tried acupuncture, but I have heard from others that's very beneficial. Like you, I haven't been too keen on the extra needles. I will say that with regards to IM shots, the shots themselves are usually not so bad, but the medication (particularly PIO) can be a real pain in the ass!
After 2 failed IVF, we tried a FET (frozen transfer) and I decided to try anything that could help. I met a great acupuncturist and both of the transferred embryos took. She helped tremendously. She saw me twice a week before transfer, then before and after transfer, then once a week after transfer. I am not going to say that I liked it -- I hate needles, and it did not feel nice. But I think it helped a lot. Maybe it was just the fact that she was so confident that I would get pregnant!
That sounds like a good plan. I did acupuncture for about six months last year, and while it didn't get me pregnant, it really helped me in many other ways. Good luck!
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