Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pearle Vision KUDOS!!!

Now THIS is a beautiful Mother's Day ad!

Kudos to Pearle Vision and their sensitive marketing staff. They need to teach Teleflora and NBC a few things!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Teleflora shouldn't expect my "non money"!

Not sure how many of you have the time to watch television during the day....I barely watch TV at all let alone during the day! It turns out the Today Show and Teleflora have teamed up to throw the "America's Favorite Mom" contest. Yeah, sounds all gooey drippy heartwarming...that is until you read the categories of the nominated moms. Before the barage of emails on Friday, one of the categories was "NON MOMs" was for moms who have parented other people's children or who are parenting children whom they ADOPTED. I can tell you my complaint email went out so fast it may have burned the modem on the way out. Within a few hours I had an apology email in my Inbox saying they had changed the category to "Adopting Moms".

Well Hells Bells, you idiots at NBC and Teleflora, why in God's name must you separate these mothers into categories AT ALL? One of them is called "working moms". Hmmm, last time I checked, I work my ASS OFF parenting my daughters, keeping up with their two schedules, following through on my volunteer work, maintaining a household that is not in total chaos, etc. But I guess since I don't earn a paycheck, I am not a "working mom". To add insult to injury, they have a separate category for moms whom have adopted? And, the original concept for this ridiculous contest had the adopting moms under the NON MOMS category?? Can someone tell me what a "non mom" is??

What possessed these people to create these silly caregories at all? Would it not have been better to present the nominess under a general theme of "inspiring stories"? How about five winners rather than one winner in each of five categories?

They have managed to minimize the roles of mothers from ALL walks of life and it's really a shame that it was done on such a special weekend and so publicly.

Wow, it's amazing how hard I work, how much love I show, how many nights I have been awake with worry about my NON DAUGHTERS. Non caregiving sure is hard work!

NBC and Teleflora don't have to worry about me spending my non money on any of their products and they are welcome to kiss my skinny non ass!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Still hangin

It's been a busy spring usual! The monthly horse shows have started up again and life is a flurry of school activities. With the economy as crappy as it is, I just cannot in good conscience spend savings on IVF.

My heart is wounded and I guess always will be. I am getting to a point that being pregnant would be downright silly. I will be 40 next year and am not willing to go much past that using donor eggs to get pregnant. If you have seen the movie Ba*by Ma*ma, you see that the poked fun at "older" women giving birth....the character in the movie is clearly in her 50's....yeah, ick. I don't want to be one of those women getting "raised eyebrows" thrown her way. I would say giving birth by 42 would be my goal.

Beyond the age thing...I honestly feel really, really tired any time I think about caring for an infant again! At this point I have children who are self sufficient! They sleep in! I have friends who adopted for the first time in their late 40's...I don't know how in their 50's they are chasing around children under age 5! I guess those little ones keep you young.

Sending warm wishes to my fellow infertility bloggers.