Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thank You Fellow Bloggers

Thanks for the kind words of encouragement.

I am totally shocked by this outcome. For TWO YEARS I have been working on Ivan to do this...telling him about the wonderful odds in our favor. Admittedly, I feel like a bit of a fool for investing so much money, time and emotion into something that failed. I know we have our one blast on ice but at this point I have zero faith in a BFP.

Ivan has been wonderful. He isn't worried about the money but more worried about me handling the BFN. I am okay today but when the hormones start to go wonky before my period I will be a mess no doubt!

We will muddle through enjoy the holidays and do an FET after my January period.

I will check in on everyone now and then to see how everyone is doing. Sending warm wishes to all.


Life and ramblings of a small town girl! said...

There is really nothing anyone can say, but I hope you know your fellow infertiles bloggers will continue to think and pray for you.

jenicini said...

I am heartbroken for you. I hope that the holidays and this break allow you and Ivan some time to heal.

Sarah said...

oh no, i am just catching up on everything and i'm so sorry. what a terrible blow after the long journey to get here! it sounds really trite in light of how you must be feeling but of course you know that blast's chances are just as good so many others who went on to succeed with fet after failed fresh cycles. ivan sounds like a wonderfully supportive partner but i wish neither of you had to go through this.

Eileen said...

I'm so very sorry :-(. *HUGS* Going through all that IVF B.S., the wanding, the shots, spending all that money, dealing with all the hormones involved, and then not ending up with a baby in your arms is the most depressing thing I have ever been through. I hope you can manage to somehow enjoy your holidays anyway.

Stephanie said...

Sorry to hear about the BFN. That just sucks. I hold out hope for your next FET... I know it seems hopeless at times, but I will hope for you! My son was a single FET with only a 20% chance of sticking. Well that 20% chance is running around my house making a mess! It can happen!

maxandzuzu said...

Hope you're doing okay. It sounds like you have a strong support system at home. Financial worries are at the top of my DH's list when I bring up DEs. Let us know how you are. Send out a line or two when you're down and we'll be there to bring you back up. The holidays are around the corner and you have two little munchkins that are going to be excited. Bask in your children's happiness.


Sara said...

I'm just so sorry. I'm glad that Ivan is being supportive, but I wish that he didn't have to be.